Saturday, August 11, 2012


In addition to all the SHONKYstuff homebuilders and renovators bump into there is the eubquitious 'Real Estate Agent'

•  Just how many SADstories involving these people are there out there? 

•  Just how many ROTTENdeals have gone down in Australia in the last week/month/whatever?

•  Just how many real estate  RIPoffs have there been in Australia this year?

One big inhibitor is the threat of 'legal action' if they are talked about out loud and on the record. The ZEBRAaustralia Network has over recent years learnt jusy how effective SOCIALnetworking can be in saving people's homes – and sometime their life savings too.

Busy people are all too often the 'hapless victims' and far too many times so too are the inexperienced homemakers out there looking for somewhere to make 'HOME'.  Its time we started to share our knowledge and experiences and put those depending on trading in real estate at the RIGHTprice, and with BESTpractice  in play, on the front foot. Social networking should mitigate against SHONKYdeals  so let's share are stories and tell our Real Estate Agents that we are networked ... ZEBRAaustralia Networked in fact. That way, like it has been with builders, SHONKYdealer will be more inclined to 'back off'.  For more information email

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