Saturday, August 2, 2008

'Joke' insurance no comfort for claimants: THE AGE: 02/08/08

Home warranty policies seldom protect consumers, writes Natalie Craig.
"WHEN Giorgio De Nola's parents died within months of each other, he used his inheritance to build a house for his wife, Marina, and their young children. He signed a contract with a licensed builder in 2004, which included a home warranty insurance policy. Four years later, the house is so poorly built that the De Nolas do not have a certificate of occupancy. Building inspectors have told them the balcony is not safe. The shower leaks into the kitchen, the garage roof has had to be replaced and their repair quote is more than $50,000. But when the De Nolas tried to claim on their legitimate insurance policy, they were told they were on their own." Click here to go to the full story

COMMENT: The Senate Committee (Information Link) looking into all this, chaired by Senator Hurley (email: seems predisposed to maintaining the status quo despite the evidence that consumers are being hurt and poorly served. We have a right to expect more!

If any of this concerns or worries you you may want to email Senator Hurley to tell her of your concerns, your experiences and your expectations of government. You may also want to place a comment on this site!

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